
Ontario Extend module content is available in the Brightspace learning environment only at this time. If you have not already registered, please use the button on the right. You will receive an email notification when your account has been created. If you have registered, please proceed to our Brightspace environment and login to resume your Extend learning.

    The Ontario Extend program is a series of six online modules designed around the “Anatomy of the 21st Century Educator” framework developed by Simon Bates (2016). The program encompasses the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified as the foundational skills required to “thrive (and not just survive) in a digital world” (Coldwell-Nelson, 2018; Martin & Grudziecki, 2006). The Ontario Extend “Anatomy of an Empowered Educator” framework is highlighted below.

    Each module takes on average 4-6 hours to complete and are designed to be self-paced. You can complete the modules asynchronously on your own or by participating in facilitated learning experiences. Facilitated workshops and community sessions occur during the fall, winter and summer semesters. Check our homepage for the full schedule. Reminders and other important information will be announced in the Brightspace learning environment. We encourage you to explore the content, consider the resources, experience the activities, and reflect on your practice. Completing the modules will equip you with the ability to;

    • describe what evidence-based research has to say about how people learn.
    • curate, develop, use, evaluate and share appropriate educational resources.
    • demonstrate your skill in discerning the possibilities—and limitations—of technology to support teaching and learning.
    • develop professional learning networks through collaborations with other disciplines.
    • explore a scholarly approach to teaching.
    • to try, reflect, and learn from new approaches, pedagogies, and technologies to support learning (Bates, 2014).

    Earn your micro-credential!

    You can obtain your micro-certification at any time by completing the 6 modules asynchronously!

    We are offering facilitated sessions for each of the 6 modules beginning June 3 with continuous enrollment through August 22.

    Use the button below to register anytime!
