Welcome to Ontario Extend

Building digital fluency skills for Ontario’s

postsecondary educators since 2017!

Empowered Educator badge icon.

What is Ontario Extend?

Ontario Extend is a micro-credentialed professional learning program grounded in the belief that the impact of learning should be the primary motivator for creating technology-enabled and online learning experiences. It aims to empower educators to explore a range of emerging technologies and pedagogical practices for effective online and technology-enabled teaching and learning. 

The Ontario Extend program is designed to;

    • explore key skills and knowledge to extend and transform our teaching and learning
    • contribute to the digital fluency of educators
    • support digital tool selection using evidence-based research

The Ontario Extend program is a key component of the eCampusOntario Strategic Plan, 2021-24: Digital by Design that supports rich, equitable, inclusive and flexible digital educational experiences in collaboration with our member institutions.

Earn your micro-credential! 

You can obtain your micro-certification at any time by completing the 6 modules asynchronously!

We are offering facilitated sessions for each of the 6 modules beginning
June 3 with continuous enrollment through
August 22.

Use the button below to register anytime!

2300 +

Extend Educators

4500 +

Badges Issued

Openly Licensed

Click the accordions below to reveal more details about how to engage with Ontario Extend in the Summer 2024 semester.

When are the sessions?


We always offer all six Extend modules asynchronously, but this fall they will be offered as facilitated courses with optional synchronous drop-in sessions delivered in the Brightspace Learning Management System and as always, there is no cost to participate in the program!

Beginning June 3 through to August 22, our flexible approach to facilitated delivery offers multiple opportunities to engage with each of the six program modules in the way that works best with your busy schedule.

  • Complete the program with colleagues through synchronous facilitated sessions June 3 through to August 22. Come to as many as you’d like!
  • You can still complete the program asynchronously at your own pace in English or French.
  • Engage in our bi-weekly Lunch & Learn sessions from 12-1pm. Each session will focus on completing activities from the featured module.


Continuing this summer!

We will be offering live sessions en français!

Ontario Extend Facilitation Schedule 2023 image

Click to enlarge

Download the Empowered Educator Summer 2024 Facilitation Schedule


Why participate?

  • Experimenter icon“Extend” your digital fluency skills through a variety of activities that will enable you to meet the flexible needs of any learner in online and hybrid learning environments. 
  • Make new connections with other postsecondary educators in Ontario and share ideas through Community of Practice learning experiences. 
  • Earn digital badges as you complete each module. 
  • Earn the Empowered Educator micro-credential by completing all 6 modules & share your accomplishments.
  • Participate in a program that is endorsed by several postsecondary institutions across the province.

Who should participate?

  • Scholar iconFull time faculty
  • Part-time faculty
  • Teaching and Research Assistants
  • Librarians
  • Instructional Designers
  • Curriculum Developers
  • Anyone from an institution in Ontario involved in the delivery of online or technology enabled education is welcome! 

How do I get started?

1. Register!

Register for a Brightspace account! Communication, content and community discussions are alive in Brightspace!


2. Choose a module

Once enrolled in Brightspace, you will have access to all of the modules, but we recommend newcomers start with the Teacher for Learning module. It contains foundational information and activities to reflect upon pedagogy before engaging with technology. Then it’s “choose your own” module adventure from there. You can view the learning outcomes of each 4-6 hour module under the Badges tab.


3. Setup an Activity Bank account

Extend Activity icon

The Activity Bank is where you will submit your responses to module activities. Before beginning the program, you will need to complete a one-time registration for an Activity Bank account.

Get started today!


4. Join in the Discussions

Participate in the Brightspace Discussion boards to contribute to ongoing conversations with members of the education community.

For more information about how to participate in the program, watch our new Ontario Extend promotional video above.

Is Ontario Extend an OER?

Yes! Ontario Extend is an OER (Open Educational Resource) created under the license CC-BY-NC-SA. It means that you can copy and redistribute the content in any medium or format, and that you can remix it, transform and build open the material (Source: Creative Commons Website).

We are currently in the process of publishing Ontario Extend in Pressbooks and the Open Library. In the meantime, feel free to contact us at extend@ecampusontario.ca to receive the content in a word document or Common Cartridge.

Featured Publication

Ontario Extend: Professional Learning for Educators (Infographic)

In 2021, eCampusOntario embarked on a journey to scale the Ontario Extend program to reach more educators in more Ontario postsecondary institutions. This infographic provides an overview of the incredible results of these efforts and how your institution can get involved.
